Saturday, January 9, 2010

We made it!

Parents of future coffee growers,

We arrived in Las Marias yesterday afternoon, after being in San Salvador (the capital) for three days. While in San Salvador we did a lot of touring, and heard from many speakers concerning the Civil War and current political situation. All of these talks have been very moving--especially one we heard from our hotel owner, Damian, who participated as a combatant for the FMLN, and lived for many years on the side of Mount Tigre. We also had the chance to visit a few cathedrals. One of them held Arch Bishop Romero´s body, and another where he lived and was assassinated. In between talks and touring, we have also had time to do a little shopping. We spent some time in the central market with hand-made trinkets galore.

The ride to Las Marias was about two hours. Most of us slept because our last night in San Salvador was spent at Ivan"s favorite bar and jazz club. Professor Puga even got on stage and performed with his harmonica! Those of us who did not sleep, spent our time enjoying the gorgeous scenery that surrounded us. We slowly made our way through the mountains of green, colorful houses, and waves of people on the street.

Since arriving to Las Marias, we have had three meals- all in the community center where we will be conducting the tech and med projects. The food has been delicious and healthy- lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, along with the consistent corn tortilla with every meal. The coffee however has been the best part!!! I do not think any of us can say we have ever had better coffee. Even myself, who prefers tea the majority of the time, has already had three glasses today- it is that GOOD!

Yesterday we also met our host families. They have been so hospitable and gracious to have us. Everyone has a bed and comfortable place to sleep at night. The showering and bathroom situations are very interesting- probably a story and explanation best suited for after the trip. Let"s just say that we"re using lots of buckets and ash for composting!

Today was very interesting. Since we do not start our other projects until tomorrow, we learned how to harvest and process coffee. Over half of the group was sent out into the coffee fields (which really are just coffee trees spread along the mountain-side) to pick coffee "cherries" they call them. To get to the mountain we rode in the back of a pick up truck or hiked- so hot and sweaty! We picked for about three hours, then had to haul the bags of coffee up the mountain! It sparked a lot of interest in conversation, because none of us can imagine doing this all day, monday through saturday! On top of that, they only get paid 1$ per little, for SO MUCH WORK.

That is all for today. We should have (more) internet and access to computers starting Monday, depending on whether or not the newly needed construction team finishes painting and electricity.

We love and miss you all. Keep us, but especially these families that are here in your thoughts.

ps. we all keep finding dirt in places on our body we never knew we had...fingernails are the worst!


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