Sunday, January 10, 2010

First day on the job

Dearest Gringos,

Today was our first day of projects at the cooperative community center. We were divided into three groups: medical, technology and coffee. The medical team had their hands full with about 85 people with problems ranging from back pain to scabies. Props to Doctor Walt for seeing so many patients! Everyone on the medical team was exhausted and many even claim they are having a hard time thinking and speaking in English from the many hours of Spanish! The technology team had a fairly light day. Because they have now become the technology/construction team, they spent time putting together desks and sweeping out the space for the internet cafe. The coffee team had an extremely interesting, but stinky day. They learned how to fully use all of their resources here on the cooperative--more specifically, how to make fresh, organic fertilizer!! They returned to lunch smelling like roses...

In the afternoon the medical continued with their efforts, while the rest of us had the chance to hike 45 minutes up the mountain side to the community soccer field, where since it is Sunday a tournament was being played. Our specific community took first place and Matt Brown got to play!!!

We love and miss you all! Keep tuning in.
